bajaj pulsar racing
bajaj pulsar racing
When you study the history of Indian Motorcycles, you will understand that Pulsar has created a revolution sort of thing in Indian Motorcycle Industry or precisely speaking Pulsar has brought the Sport Biking Concept in India that was absent from a long time.While that was the time of Hero Honda and Yamaha 2 strokers domination and they were bringing lot of Commuter Bike segmentation to the market with few exceptions, Bajaj was the only company who thought of bringing a bit change to the market and winning the hearts of Indian Bike enthusiasts. It has been a long time since Pulsars have looked back winning hearts of Indians from more than 10 years now.
bajaj pulsar racing
Pulsars were improved every now and then in terms of refinement and technology and more and more faced up but still if you look back on 2001 Pulsar and 2011 Pulsar you would be able to recognize them. Many people you will find against the fact that Pulsars look similar from all the way 10 years now, but, I respect the fact that Bajaj has kept the Pulsar's identity.Now, previously news was floating that Bajaj is going to make the Pulsar a brand name in 2012. That will create even more respect for the bike all over.
bajaj pulsar racing
While keeping the price low as compared to high cost bikes some other Companies have put on there bikes with similar features, Bajaj understands the needs of Average or middle class Indian biker and know that not many people will be able to buy a bike that costs more than 100 grand. Middle class Indian bike enthusiasts are happy to buy a bike well under 1 lakh and still they get the Fastest Indian. Another thing that will Impress you is Pulsars come in all the segments, from a 135cc to a 220 cc, So, if you are looking for a Power milage option in your bike and want a sport bike feel and do not want to compromise with your pocket as everybody knows Petrol prices have risen a lot during recent days, you can opt for a Pulsar.
bajaj pulsar racing
Even a 220cc Pulsar will promise a Fuel efficiency of 45 kmpl that promises around 140kmph top speed. What more you need. Pulsar comes with loads of technology at heart and are more refined and vibeless now. If you ask me to talk about the Pulsar I can keep talking and can fill hundereds of pages. This is one of the reasons sometimes I think why I can write about Pulsar so much and not on any other bike, that creates even more respect for this bike. This is one of the reasons, I am a proud owner of Pulsar 180UG3 and Pulsar 180 UG4 2010. I have ridden both the Pulsars for more than 45000 kms. So, I think, I can speak of them now.
bajaj pulsar racing
hero honda passion pro price
hero honda passion pro price
The Hero Honda passion pro is a new version of the previous Passion plus. This is a 100 cc motorcycle that comes with 7.8 bhp and has horizontal engine design - A very simple design, yet a bike with power and sturdiness. The bike has certain characteristics that make it stand apart from the crowd. You will love it for its reliability and durability. In the long run it has proved to be the most trust worthy bike in the country.The Hero Honda passion pro reviews now talk about its power to deliver and the style of the bike.
hero honda passion pro price
The bike comes with 7.6 bhp at 7500 rpm and the maximum torque is 8.04 Nm at 4500 rpm. The bike can reach the top of 85-90 kmph. The bike is easy to maneuver in the city and even on the heavy traffic jams that take place very often. The engine has four speed gear box and is a 100 cc bike. This durable machine claims 60 to 65 kmpl and has the same engine in 5 other models of the Hero Honda.The Hero Honda passion pro price is Rs 52,000 approximately and is a self start bike with alloy wheels. The passion pro is worth the price and comes with great fuel efficiency and quality that stands the test of time.
hero honda passion pro price
Once you settle on the Passion pro you will want nothing else. In fact the bike is chosen by its consumers for its comfort and fuel efficiency. But apart from this you will see that the bike has certain style of its own. The seat is nicely fitted and gives you comfort for as long as you need. The design of the tank is similar to the older version as this is a unique element in the bike as no other tank design like the Passion Pro is available.You will also find graphic design that is multicolored and comes with refreshing look on the front mask.
hero honda passion pro price
There are also some changes on the tail light and the instrument console.The braking system is a 240 mm disc that is great and the rear has a 130 mm drum brake. The Hero Honda Passion Pro is described as a city commuter and for its comfortability that comes from the telescoping hydraulic shock absorbers in the rear and front receives the swing arm shock absorbers. The features like the suspension and saddle enables you to get a comfortable ride through heavy city traffic.
hero honda passion pro price
bike prices in india 2011

bike prices in india 2011
A bike has many faces, for some it is just a vehicle to commute from office to home and vice versa, for some it is a life savior which would save them from reaching late to the examination centre and for most of them it is their first love that they would never ditch, never forget and would always pamper. And when a brand manufactures a bike, it surely is aware of all these and some more faces of it and hence the company constructs each bike on the basis purpose that it will solve and the reason for which the person would buy it. The two manufacturers and their products that we are about to talk are Bajaj and Honda.
bike prices in india 2011
Bajaj is catering quite a major portion of the Indian riders via its different classes of bikes. It has got the cruiser bike, avenger for its customers who wish to travel comfortably. It has got amazing pulsar DTS-I with various engine capacities form 135cc to 220 cc to meet the demands of its fast and high-on-spirit bikers who want fun and speed in their life via their bike.For the office people and for everyday restful commuting, discover and platina are there to give the riders affordable and convenient ride everyday without any failure.
bike prices in india 2011
To cherish the fetish of its high-end customers who love their bikes and for whom bikes are one of the factors of their style statements, Ninja 250R is made available to its riders. Each and every bajaj bike is going to fulfill the demands of its customers.Quite similar to bajaj, but still in a different way Honda is accomplishing the demands of its bike buyers by providing them what they want in exactly the way they want it.
bike prices in india 2011
Honda has got stunner in its pocket for those who are particular about the appearance of their bikes and for whom the beauty of the vehicle is as crucial as its performance. On the other hand CBR is the icon of style, sports and extremely powerful performance. Every Honda bike is designed extraordinarily and the examples that verify the statement are CB shine, CB twister, CBR1000RR, CB Unicorn. Moreover, the performance and the efficiency of Honda bikes is also great and hence nothing to be worried of.A bike, like its various faces and purposes, has got various classes too.
bike prices in india 2011